All Episodes

Displaying episodes 121 - 129 of 129 in total

11 December 2022 - Paulus de Jong

Paulus preaches about the connections with the Joseph story and the season of Advent.

11 December 2022 - Clay Rowe

Clay Rowe preaches on "From Riches to Rags: Christ's Journey to Earth" from 2 Corinthians 8.

4 December 2022 - Steve Holmes

Steve Holmes speaks on what excites him about God.

4 December 2022 - Abi Ngunga

Abi speaks about the first Advent of the Messiah from Luke 1:26-38

20 November 2022 - Abi Ngunga

Revelation 20:15-16 "Christ as the Final Judge" from the Book of Revelation.

13 November 2022 - Angus Ross

Angus Ross preaches on what excites him about God from the Book of Colossians.

13 November 2022 - Abi Ngunga

Pastor Abi Ngunga preaches on Christ explained as the Lord of Glory from the Book of James. James 1:1, 2:1-13.

6 November 2022 - Mike Wray

Sunday evening service from 6 November 2022. Mike Wray preaches on "Excited about God: a Physicist Looks at the Universe"

6 November 2022 - Lisa Holmes and Andrew Clarke

Sunday morning service from 6 November 2022. Lisa Holmes and Andrew Clarke from the Baptist Union of Scotland preach on Colossians 1:15-23.

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